Many doctors and dentists as well as other business professionals have discovered that an aquarium is an attractive and desirable addition to any office or building decorating scheme. There is something about watching fish swim and aquatic plants sway that soothes the soul and makes waiting for an appointment bearable if not downright entertaining. If you've been considering having an aquarium installed at your place of business, here's what to look for when choosing an installer to do the job and provide ongoing maintenance.
Custom installations
Anyone can bring in a fish tank, set it up in the most basic of ways, fill it up with water and fish and then be done. If you want something truly original in your office, such as an in-wall custom aquarium or if you like the look of free-standing tanks but want the job done right the first time, make sure to hire professionals who specialize in custom installations that are just right for your work environment. State of the art equipment and plumbing are the way to go: don't settle for any less because it will just mean problems or even disaster down the road.
Extensive Biological Knowledge
Ideally, the installers should have extensive marine biology backgrounds and expertise that allows them to make recommendations about the best combinations of marine life for your aquarium. They should be familiar with the symptoms of all of the common diseases and parasites that may afflict a tank's contents so that they can prevent them or eradicate them when necessary, saving you money and heartache.
A Great Maintenance Record
When choosing installers, make sure to ask for references who can attest to the installers' reliability, professionalism, and punctuality when it comes to maintenance over the long haul. Most business owners do not have the time, knowledge, or inclination to take care of an aquarium properly: you don't want to be embarrassed in front of your customers by having the tank get dirty and dank because the maintenance folks are late.